
Billing Overview


This document describes the billing system for the solution plans, products and services provided by Mithi. 

Solution Packs, Products & Services

The solution plans, products and services provided by Mithi are as described in the table below:


The products provided by Mithi are as described in the table below:



( Version 4)

SaaS serviceSaaS serviceSaaS serviceSaaS serviceSaaS ServiceProduct subscription
A secure and reliable hosted email serviceA secure and reliable hosted email archival solutionEmail security, continuity, and durability solution for your MS Exchange, Office 365, MDaemon, Postfix, PostMaster, Zimbra & other mail solutions.LegacyFlo is an email data migration tool that lets you migrate email data quickly, securely, and easily with zero data loss or business disruption.Team Collaboration to get work done effectively with shared workspaces and dynamic team organisation.Mithi Connect Xf is an Enterprise Collaboration Server based on Linux and OSS components. It can be deployed in different setups to suit the different sizes and needs of an enterprise. This is typically deployed In-Premise (your own data center) on your servers and is managed and maintained by your own IT team.


The Services provided by Mithi are as described in the table below. These services are optional services to improve the security and integration of the hosted solutions.

VPNADFSOnboarding ServicesCustom Services
SaaS serviceSaaS serviceSupport ServiceProduct/service customization or integrations
This VPN solution helps you securely and privately access the cloud applications from our platform. It’s a good solution for providing access to remote branches whose users are not allowed connection to the Internet. Billed by the number of connections you need.To support authenticating with your MS ADS environment, an ADFS server has to be connected to your forest and deployed in the cloud. If you choose to have these ADFS resources in our cloud environment, there will be a recurring cost for the compute, VPN, storage, bandwidth, etc. Billed by the number of instances of ADFS you need.A one-time service to onboard customers on any of the Mithi products or Saas services.A one-time service to customize or integrate Mithi Products and Saas services.

Solution Packs

Solution packs which cater to use cases, are made up of two or more products and services. For example, the Vaultastic Solution Plans bundle Vaultastic stores, LegacyFlo migration credit and Ideolve for the Live Store usage.

The product quantities made available via the packs are fined tuned for the use cases they support. Customers can also buy additional credits on extra storage, access or migration needs using one of the Add Packs 

Vaultastic-AssuranceVaultastic- ContinuityVaultastic-SupervisionVaultastic-Compliance
Saas  servicesSaas servicesSaas servicesSaas services
Pack of predefined quantities of Vaultastic 4 access & storage, LegacyFlo migration and Ideolve access and storage
Pack of predefined quantities of Vaultastic 4 access & storage, LegacyFlo migration and Ideolve access and storagePack of predefined quantities of Vaultastic 4 access & storage, LegacyFlo migration and Ideolve access and storagePack of predefined quantities of Vaultastic 4 access & storage, LegacyFlo migration and Ideolve access and storage

Saas servicesSaas services

Saas services
Pack of predefined quantities of Vaultastic 4 access and Ideolve access and storagePack of predefined quantities of Vaultastic Live Store storagePack of predefined quantities of Vaultastic Active Store storage
Pack of predefined quantities of Vaultastic Open Store storage
Pack of predefined quantities of Vaultastic Deep Store storage
Pack of predefined quantities of LegacyFlo migration 

Payment Agreements

You can subscribe to one or more of the Mithi services using a payment agreement. The payment agreements possible are as given in the table below

(all custom packs fall under this category)
(all solution packs fall under this category)
StatusBeing phased out, not available for new ordersActiveActive
Agreement periodN.A.1 year1 year
PaymentsMonthly, postpaidAnnual, prepaidAnnual, prepaid
CreditsN.A.Amount paid is the credit available for the PPU usage. The prepaid amount that is not exhausted is transferred to the next agreement period as credits (transfers can be done only once).No
Under use of any SKUN.A.No impact on usage - the credit available will be adjustedNo impact
Extra usage for any SKUN.A.No impact on usage- the credits available will be adjustedExtra usage will get added to the next renewal or billed immediately if the extra usage crosses over a pre-decided threshold.
RatesFloatingFloatingFixed for the contract period.
Credits getting overN.A.Immediate bill to be raisedN.A.
Invoice generatedOnce a monthAt start of agreement, on credits getting used up, and renewal.At start of agreement, overuse of SKU, renewal

The following table maps the payment agreements available for the different products/services.

Service/Product/PackContractPay Per Use (Prepaid and Postpaid)
Vaultastic Version 4YesYes
Connect XFYes-


Onboarding ServicesYes-
Custom ServicesYes-

SKU/Item Codes

Vaultastic Solution Packs

PPUContractExtra Usage for contract






PPUContractExtra Usage for Contract




















PPU ContractExtra Usage for Contract



Vaultastic-Active-Store-EU (formerly VAULTECS)



Vaultastic-Client-Access-EU (formerly VAULTEU)


(formerly Vaultastic-Inactive-Store-PPU)


(formerly Vaultastic-Inactive-Store)


(formerly Vaultastic-Open-Store-EU or VAULTECIS)



PPUContractExtra Usage for Contract


SkyConnect-Storage(formerly Mithi SkyConnect MyPlan - Storage)

SkyConnect-Storage-EU(formerly SKYECS)


SkyConnect-Apps( formerly Mithi SkyConnect MyPlan - Basic)

SkyConnect-Apps-EU(formerly SKYEU)


PPUContractExtra Usage for Contract


Connect XF subscription (formerly Connect XF Enterprise/Endeavour/In prem archival/SkyConnect gateway)



PPUContractExtra Usage for Contract








PPUContractExtra Usage for contract





PPUContractExtra Usage for contract





PPUContractExtra usage for contract




Mithi One time services

PPUContractExtra Usage for contract


Mithi Onboarding Services



Mithi Custom Services


Usage units for Contract and PPU billing

The units for the Contract and Pay Per Use payment agreement are explained in the table below. If you have entered into a Contract payment agreement for a Mithi product and your usage is over the subscribed units, then your extra usage will be billed on a monthly basis. The unit for the extra usage is the same as the unit for Pay Per Use.

ResourceContract billingPPU billing/Extra usage billing for Contract
Users/Client Access Licenseuser/yearUserday/month
Data Transfer/Conversion (LegacyFlo)GBGB
Onboarding servicesman-daysman-days
Custom servicesman-daysman-days
Solution Packspacks/year-

Understanding the Client Access and Storage units for Pay Per Use or Extra Usage billing


This usage unit is used for the calculation of the pay per use or extra user bill.

Example of usage over 5 days for ease of understanding

Users subscribed1010151515

Pay Per Use calculation for the users

Usage calculation

= Day 1 users  + Day 2 users + Day 3 users  + Day 4 users  + Day 5 users 

= 10 + 10 + 15 + 15 + 15 = 65 Userday 

Cost calculation

If the subscription rate of users is at INR 2/day (*Not an actual price), then the total user subscription cost for the 5 days will be

= 65 * 2  = INR 130

Contract purchase of 10 users + extra usage 

Usage calculation

If you have purchased 10 user subscriptions and are using as per the above table, then for a Contract payment agreement, the extra usage will be 

= Day 1 extra users + Day 2 extra users + Day 3 extra users + Day 4 extra users + Day 5 extra users 

= (10-10) + (10-10) + (15-10) + (15-10) + (15-10) = 0 + 0 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 Userday

Cost calculation

If the rate of user subscription is at INR 2/day,  then the total extra user subscription cost for the 5 days will be

= 15 *2  = INR 30


Lets take an example of storage usage over 5 days for ease of understanding.



Cumulative Storage Used


Pay Per Use calculation for the storage

Usage calculation

= Day 1 storage  + Day 2 storage  + Day 3 storage  + Day 4 storage  + Day 5 storage 

= 10 + 30 + 30 + 25 + 5 = 100 GBday 

Cost calculation

If the rate of storage is at INR 1/day, then the total storage cumulative cost for the 5 days will be 

= 100 * 1 = INR 100

Contract purchase of 5 GB + extra usage 

Usage calculation

If you have purchased 5 GB and are using as per the above table, then for a Contract payment agreement, the extra storage usage will be 

= Day 1 extra storage + Day 2 extra storage + Day 3 extra storage + Day 4 extra storage + Day 5 extra storage 

= (10-5) + (30-5) + (30-5) + (25-5) + (5-5) = 5 + 25 + 25 + 20 + 0 = 75 Gbday

Cost calculation

If the rate of storage is at INR 1/day, then the total extra storage cost for the 5 days will be

= 75 *1  = INR 75

SkyConnect Billing


For a Contract payment agreement for the SkyConnect product, you will get the invoices as explained in the table below:

Type Billing Frequency Description SKU/item code Unit Rate
SkyConnect  - Contract Yearly or half-yearly in advance Client Access License


( formerly Mithi SkyConnect MyPlan - Basic)

user/year Yearly / half yearly rate as per the payment terms
Cumulative storage


(formerly Mithi SkyConnect MyPlan - Storage)

GB/year Yearly/half yearly rate as per the payment terms
SkyConnect  - Contract - Extra Usage Yearly/half-yearly in arrears Extra Client Access Licenses


(formerly SKYEU)

userday/month Daily rate
Extra Cummulative Storage


(formerly SKYECS)

GBday/month Daily rate

Note:  Extra quantities can also be purchased by updating the quantities in the Contract. An updated invoice with the additional quantities for the remaining period of the contract will be raised.

Pay Per Use

Type Billing Frequency Description SKU/Item code Unit Rate
SkyConnect PPU  Monthly in arrears Client Access Licenses


userday/month Daily rate
Cumulative Storage


GBday/month Daily rate

Vaultastic Version 4 Billing


For a Contract payment agreement for the Vaultastic Version 4, you will get the invoices as explained in the table below:

TypeBilling FrequencyDescriptionSKU/Item CodeUnitRate
Vaultastic V4  - ContractYearly or half-yearly in advanceClient Access License (CAL)


user/yearYearly/half-yearly rate as per the payment terms
Active storage for all the domains of the organization


GB/yearYearly/half-yearly rate as per payment terms
Open storage for all the domains of the organization


GB/yearYearly / half-yearly rate as per the payment terms
Deep storage for all the domains of the organizationVaultastic-Deep-StoreGB/year
Yearly / half-yearly rate as per the payment terms
Vaultastic V4  - Contract - Extra UsageYearly/half-yearly in arrearsExtra Client Access Licenses

Vaultastic-Client-Access-EU (formerly VAULTECS)

userday/monthDaily rate
Extra usage on Active Store

Vaultastic-Active-Store-EU (formerly VAULTEU)

GBday/monthDaily rate
Extra usage on Open store

Vaultastic-Inactive-Store-EU (formerly VAULTECIS)

GBday/monthDaily rate
Extra usage on Deep StoreVaultastic-Deep-Store-EUGBday/month
Daily rate

Note:  Extra quantities can also be purchased by updating the quantities in the Contract. An updated invoice with the additional quantities for the remaining period of the contract will be raised.

Pay Per Use

TypeBilling FrequencyDescriptionSKU/Item codeUnitRate
Vaultastic V4 PPU Monthly in arrearsClient Access Licenses


userday/monthDaily rate
Active store


GBday/monthDaily rate
Open Store


Daily rate
Deep StoreVaultastic-Deep-Store-PPUGBday/month
Daily rate

ClrStream Billing


Invoice Frequency Description SKU/Item Code Unit Rate
ClrStream  - Contract Yearly or
Half-yearly in advance
Client Access License (CAL) ClrStream-Apps User/Year Yearly/half yearly as per payment agreement
ClrStream  - Contract - Extra Usage Monthly in arrears Extra Client Access Licenses ClrStream-Apps-EU Userday/Month Daily rate

Pay Per Use

Invoice Frequency Description SKU/Item Code Unit Rate
ClrStream PPU Monthly in arrears Client Access Licenses ClrStream-PPU Userday/Month Daily rate

LegacyFlo Billing


  • To use LegacyFlo, you have to submit one or more jobs.
  • Each job has a type.
  • All the jobs are classified into 6 different billing categories and the billing is done as per the category.
  • The billing for a particular job is done in the month the request is completed. 
  • The table below maps the job types to the billing categories.
#Billing CategoryDescription

Job types under the category

ALegacyflo-ImportAll requests used to import to SkyConnect or Vaultastic Active Store



















BLegacyflo-BackupAll jobs used to backup data to an S3 bucket








CLegacyflo-MigrateAll jobs used to migrate data from one mail system to another







DLegacyflo-ExportAll jobs used to export or extract data from Vaultastic Active or Inactive Stores












Export from eDiscovery Interface

ELegacyflo-InactiveToActiveAll jobs to move data from Vaultastic Inactive to Active Stores



FLegacyflo-ActiveToInactiveAll jobs to move data from Vaultastic Active to Inactive Stores




TypeBilling FrequencySKU/Item codeDescriptionUnitRate
Legacyflo ContractYearly or
Half-yearly in advance
Legacyflo-ImportAll requests used to import to SkyConnect or Vaultastic Active StoreGBPer GB Rate
Legacyflo-BackupAll jobs used to backup data to an S3 bucketGBPer GB Rate
Legacyflo-MigrateAll jobs used to migrate data from one mail system to anotherGBPer GB Rate
Legacyflo-ExportAll jobs used to export or extract data from Vaultastic Active or Inactive StoresGBPer GB Rate
Legacyflo-InactiveToActiveAll jobs to move data from Vaultastic Inactive to Active StoresGBPer GB Rate
Legacyflo-ActiveToInactiveAll jobs to move data from Vaultastic Active to Inactive StoresGBPer GB Rate

TypeBilling FrequencySKU/Item codeDescriptionUnitRate
Legacyflo Contract Extra UsageHalf-yearly/yearly in arrearsLegacyFlo-Import-EUAll requests used to import to SkyConnect or Vaultastic Active StoreGBPer GB rate 
LegacyFlo-Backup-EUAll jobs used to backup data to an S3 bucketGBPer GB rate
LegacyFlo-Migrate-EUAll jobs used to migrate data from one mail system to anotherGBPer GB rate
LegacyFlo-Export-EUAll jobs used to export or extract data from Vaultastic Active or Inactive StoresGBPer GB rate
LegacyFlo-InactivetoActive-EUAll jobs to move data from Vaultastic Inactive to Active StoresGBPer GB rate
LegacyFlo-ActivetoInactive-EUAll jobs to move data from Vaultastic Active to Inactive StoresGBPer GB rate

Pay Per Use

TypeBilling FrequencySKU/Item codeDescriptionUnitRate
Legacyflo PPUMonthly in arrearsLegacyFlo-Import-PPUAll requests used to import to SkyConnect or Vaultastic Active StoreGBPer GB rate
LegacyFlo-Backup-PPUAll jobs used to backup data to an S3 bucketGBPer GB rate
LegacyFlo-Migrate-PPUAll jobs used to migrate data from one mail system to anotherGBPer GB rate
LegacyFlo-Export-PPUAll jobs used to export or extract data from Vaultastic Active or Inactive StoresGBPer GB rate
LegacyFlo-InactivetoActive-PPUAll jobs to move data from Vaultastic Inactive to Active StoresGBPer GB rate
LegacyFlo-ActivetoInactive-PPUAll jobs to move data from Vaultastic Active to Inactive StoresGBPer GB rate

Ideolve Billing


For a Contract payment agreement for the Ideolve product, you will get the invoices as explained in the table below:

Type Billing Frequency Description SKU/item code Unit Rate
Ideolve  - Contract Yearly or half-yearly in advance Client Access License


user/year Yearly/half-yearly rate as per payment terms
Cumulative File storage


GB/year Yearly/half-yearly rate as per payment terms
Ideolve - Contract - Extra Usage Yearly/half-yearly in arrears Extra Client Access Licenses


userday/month Per date rate
Extra Cumulative File Storage


GBday/month Per day rate

Note:  Extra quantities can also be purchased by updating the quantities in the Contract. An updated invoice with the additional quantities for the remaining period of the contract will be raised.

Pay Per Use

Type Billing Frequency Description SKU/Item code Unit Rate
Ideolve PPU  Monthly in arrears Client Access Licenses


userday/month Per day rate
Cumulative Storage


GBday/month Per day rate

Vaultastic Solution Packs


For a Contract payment agreement for the Vaultastic Solutions Packs, you will get the invoices as explained in the table below:

TypeBilling FrequencyDescriptionSKU/Item CodeUnitRate

Vaultastic Solution Packs  - Contract

Yearly in advance
Vaultastic Solution PackVaultastic-Assurancepacks/yearYearly rate
Vaultastic Solution Pack


packs/yearYearly rate
Vaultastic Solution Pack


packs/yearYearly rate
Vaultastic Solution Pack


packs/yearYearly rate
Vaultastic Solution Addon Pack - ContractYearly in advanceVaultastic Solution Addon Pack for additional access credits


packs/yearYearly rate
Vaultastic Solution Addon Pack for additional Live Store storage credits
Vaultastic-LiveStoreCreditspacks/yearYearly rate
Vaultastic Solution Addon pack for additional Active Store storage creditsVaultastic-ActiveStoreCreditspacks/yearYearly rate
Vaultastic Solution Addon pack for additional Open Store storage creditsVaultastic-OpenStoreCreditspacks/yearYearly rate
Vaultastic Solution Addon Pack for additional Deep Store storage credits


packs/yearYearly rate
Vaultastic Solution Addon Pack for Migration Credits


packs/yearYearly rate

VPN Billing


TypeBilling FrequencyDescriptionSKU/Item CodeUnitRate
VPN - Contract Yearly or half yearly in advanceNumber of licensed connectionsVPNConnections/YearYearly/half yearly rate as per payment terms
VPN - Contract Extra UsageHalf yearly or yearly in arrearsExtra connectionsVPN-EUConnections/YearPer day rate
VPN - PPUMonthly in arrearsNumber of connectionsVPN-PPUConnections/MonthPer day rate

ADFS Billing


InvoiceFrequencyDescriptionSKU/Item CodeUnitRate
ADFS - Contract Yearly or half yearly in advanceNumber of licensed instancesADFSInstances/YearYearly/half yearly rate as per payment terms
ADFS - Contract Extra usageHalf yearly or yearly in arrearsExtra instancesADFS-EUInstances/YearPer day rate
ADFS - PPUMonthly in arrearsNumber of instancesADFS-PPUInstances/MonthPer day rate

ConnectXF Billing


TypeBilling FrequencyDescriptionSKU/Item codeUnitRate
Connect XF - Contract - CAL licenseYearly or
Half-yearly in advance
Number of licensed users

Connect XF  

(formerly Connect XF Enterprise/Endeavour/In prem archival/SkyConnect gateway)

User/Yearyearly/half yearly rate as per payment terms

Mithi One time services


TypeBilling FrequencyDescriptionSKU/Item codeUnitRate
One time service - contractYearly or
Half-yearly in advance

Mithi Onboarding Services

man-daysYearly rate
Customization/Integration serviceMithi Custom Servicesman-daysYearly rate

Commencement of the billing period

For Pay Per Use (the default payment agreement) or Contract agreement, your billing commences once you confirm your intent to use our services.  You can confirm your intent via a Purchase order or via a simple email from the registered email id (the one used to sign up for the service) and can do so at any point in time. Typically, this is done once your free trial period is over.


You may cancel the services at any time, with or without cause. You may lose access and use of your account and data uploaded when you cancel the services. 

For any un-utilized portion of your advance payments, there will no refund issued.

Renewal of subscription

Renewals are automatic and at currently listed prices, unless you cancel the use of our products/services.

Reducing the usage

For Contract and PPU payment agreements, the impact of reducing users/storage is as explained in the tables below:


Disabling UsersPartial or Fully disabled users are counted as subscribed usersPartial or Fully disabled users are counted as subscribed users
Deleting usersIf the total number of users before deletion was less than the number of users subscribed, there is no impact on the bill.
If the total number of users before deletion was more than the users subscribed, then the extra CAL license bill will reduce.
The monthly bill for the SkyConnect CAL licenses will reduce.
Deleting storageIf the total cumulative storage before deletion was less than the storage subscribed, there is no impact on the bill.
If the total cumulative storage before deletion was more than the storage subscribed, then the extra storage bill will reduce.
The monthly bill for SkyConnect cumulative storage will reduce.

Vaultastic V4


Disabling Vault Access (making it None)

The total number of Vault IDs with access will reduce

Client Access License: No impact if the total users were already less than those purchased. If there was any extra CAL license, then it will reduce.

Client Access License: The monthly bill for the Vaultastic V4 CAL licenses will reduce.

Deleting vaults with Access

The total number of Vault IDs with access will reduce.

The reference to the vault will be removed from the associated active storage. If there are no other vaults referring to the active storage, the storage will be removed from the cumulative active storage calculation.

Client Access License: No impact if the total users were already less than those purchased. If there was any extra CAL license, then it will reduce.

Cumulative Storage: No impact if the active storage used was less than the quantity purchased. If there were any extra active storage usage charged, these will reduce if there is a reduction in the cumulative storage.

Client Access License: The monthly bill for the Vaultastic V4 CAL licenses will reduce.

Cumulative Active Storage: The monthly bill for Vaultastic V4 cumulative active storage will reduce if there is a reduction in cumulative storage.

Deleting vaults with no access

The reference to the vault will be removed from the associated active storage. If there are no other vaults referring to the storage, the storage will be removed from the cumulative active storage calculation.

Cumulative Storage: No impact if the active storage used was less than the quantity purchased. If there is any extra active storage usage charged, this will reduce if there is a reduction in the cumulative storage.Cumulative Storage: The monthly bill for Vaultastic V4 cumulative active storage will reduce if there is a reduction in cumulative storage.

Movement of data to the Open or Deep Store (via storage management automation)

Phase 1: The month's data is copied to the Open / Deep Store

Phase 2(in the subsequent month): The reference to the vault will be removed from the associated active storage. If there are no vaults referring to the storage, the storage will be removed from the cumulative storage calculation.

Phase 1: Addition storage used on the Open or Deep Store. No impact on Active Store usage
Phase 2: Active Store usage will change. The reduction in the cumulative storage usage will depend on how much data is not referenced by any vault after the update.

Phase 1: Addition storage used on the Open or Deep Store. No impact on Active Store usage
Phase 2: Active Store usage will change. The reduction in the cumulative storage usage will depend on how much data is not referenced by any vault after the update.
Deletion of data from the Open or Deep StoreReduction in the storage used on Open or Deep StoreReduction in the storage used on Open or Deep Store

Additional Purchases

Payment agreementDescription
ContractAt any time during your contract period, you can choose to add more users, storage, and other resources to your contract. On placing the PO or confirming your purchase of additional users or storage via email, your license will be updated, and an invoice will be generated for the additional resources on a pro-rata basis. The pro-rata is aligned to the end of your current billing period (depending on your chosen payment options).
Pay Per UseNot applicable
AWS Contract

You can purchase additional plans for new users or provision additional resources at any point in time. AWS will immediately bill you for the excess requirement on a pro-rata, leading to the end of the month and will charge your chosen payment option right away.

Other invoices

If you avail of any other services from Mithi such as services for deployment, configuration and migration, a separate invoice will be raised for the same.


All invoices are expected to be paid within 15 days from the date of the invoice. 

You can opt to pay online or send us a Cheque/DD or directly transfer the payment into our bank account. Please don’t forget to mention the invoice number, you are paying for, in the comments section or at the back of the Cheque. Please note that the payment is to be completed within 15 days from the date of invoice.

License management 

Delayed renewals and payments impact us and indirectly affect the service level. We know you are busy, and to help you remember to renew your Contract and pay on time, all the Mithi products and services are controlled by a license manager. The license manager, in turn, is controlled by the billing system.

PPU Prepaid, Contract and License

  • You enter into a Contract payment agreement by placing a purchase order (PO) with Mithi.
  • The license applied to the products depends on the payment terms and the Contract Renewal date.
  • On receipt of a PO (new customer or renewal), the license applied to the products will reflect the next payment schedule or renewal date, whichever is earlier.
  • Payments
    • For example, if the PO mentions a 100% advance within 15 days, then the license will be updated to expire after 15 days.
    • If you make the payment within 15 days of the date of the invoice and inform us via the Record Payment application in your Mithi account portal, the billing team will extend your license to the next payment schedule or renewal date, whichever comes first.
    • If your payment is not received within 15 days of the invoice date, then the license on your products will be set to expire immediately and will be extended only on receipt of payment. On recording a delayed payment, the system will automatically extend the license by five calendar days. The billing team will validate your payment and, if found valid, will set the license to a date in the distant future.
    • If you need more time to process your payments in exceptional situations, you can request an extension using the License Extension application in your Mithi account portal.
    • Similarly, if the payment terms are quarterly, on receipt of the first payment, the license will be set to expire on the payment schedule for the next quarter and so on.
  • Renewal
    • If the payment terms are yearly and you have paid the advance along with the PO, the product license will be set to expire on the next renewal date.
    • If the renewal is not done before that date, then the license on the products will expire and will be extended only on renewal.
    • In exceptional situations, if you need more time to process your renewals, you can request an extension using the License Extension application in your Mithi account portal.
  • Extra Usage
    • Extra Usage reports for the previous month’s usage are generated and sent by the 8th of every month. In addition the sales team will also contact you with options to reduce your usage or purchase additional resources.

    • You are expected to take action within 15 days.

    • If no action is taken,  then the license on your products will be set to expire immediately. If you need more time to process your payments in exceptional situations, you can request an extension using the  License Extension application in your Mithi account portal.

    • Failure to resolve the over use for more than a month from it being highlighted to you can lead to account suspension.

Pay-Per-Use (PPU) Postpaid and License

  • By default, all customers who subscribe to Mithi products using the Pay-Per-Use Payment Agreement will have a perpetual license applied to all their subscribed products. This means that the license end date will be in the distant future, allowing uninterrupted usage.

  • PPU invoices for the previous month’s usage are generated and sent by the 8th of every month, and you are expected to pay within 15 days (NET15).

  • Suppose you make the payment within 15 days of the date of the invoice. Please inform us via the Record Payment application in your Mithi account portal. The billing team is regularly checking all payments made to us, and if your payment is found, your bill will be marked as paid in the Bill Desk. Since the license did not expire, there will be no change to the license.

  • If your payment is not received within 15 days of the invoice date, then the license on your products will be set to expire immediately and will be extended only on receipt of payment. On recording a delayed payment, the system will automatically extend the license by five calendar days. The billing team will validate your payment and, if found valid, will set the license to a date in the distant future.

  • If you need more time to process your payments in exceptional situations, you can request an extension using the License Extension application in your Mithi account portal.

Product Trial and License

  • During the trial period, the license manager gives unrestricted access to the service for a period of one month.
  • If you need more time to evaluate the service, you can request an extension using the License Extension application in your Mithi account portal.

What happens when the license on a product expires?

  • There is no impact on the product services for the first seven days after expiry. This is the grace period within which you can clear any pending dues or complete the renewal process.
  • After seven days of license expiry, access to the Admin Panel and the functions of other admin-related applications are suspended.
  • After 14 days of license expiry, the end-user access to the accounts is suspended.
  • After 30 days of license expiry, the domains will be marked for deletion, and all the data will be deleted in the next clean-up cycle. This is an irreversible operation. To prevent this, please ensure that your account is reinstated before the end of the 30-day suspension period.

License extension

  • If you need an extension on your license, you can log in to your Mithi account and request an extension using the License Extension application.
  • You can request a maximum of 2 license extensions per product per quarter.

Recording Payments

  • You can inform us about the payments made using the Record Payments application in your Mithi account

  • On submission of the details, product licenses that are expiring within the next five days will be automatically extended by five calendar days.

  • The billing team will then check your details against our bank statements and mark invoices as paid and extend licenses as necessary.



Where can I get the data to co-relate to the invoices I have received?

PPU: You can refer to the product dashboards/reports. In addition, the monthly usage will be attached in the email along with the invoice

Contract: The contract invoices are generated as per the estimated quantities. Only if the usage goes above the subscribed quantities, then additional usage invoices will be raised. The extra usage reports for the previous month will be sent by mail at the start of every month. The dashboards/reports will show the overall usage.

Why do the rates for SkyConnect/Vaultastic/Ideolve/ClrStream in the invoices look different from the proposal?

A proposal will have monthly or yearly rates depending on the payment agreement you have chosen.
If your payment agreement is PPU, the invoices will mention usage in GBdays or userdays consumed in that month and hence the rate applied is a daily rate. The daily rate is calculated by dividing the yearly or monthly rates by 365 or the number of days in the month respectively.

If your payment agreement is Contract, then the invoice will have the yearly or half-yearly rate depending on the payment terms. Any extra usage is in terms of GBdays or userdays and hence the invoice amount calculation will be done by multiplying by the daily rate. The daily rate is calculated by dividing the yearly rates by 365.

Excess Storage

What is excess storage usage in SkyConnect/Vaultastic V4/Ideolve?

If your payment agreement with Mithi is a contract and you have purchased X GB of storage, but your storage usage is Y. If Y is greater than X, then excess storage usage is Y - X.

The extra usage calculations is done on a daily basis.

I've been your customer for a while, why am I getting this bill now?

We've been working on upgrading our systems to get visibility on the resource usage by our customers on the cloud. Until we developed this system, and we were in a position to offer you total visibility into how your users are using the storage and enable you with tools to control the usage (quota) we didn't want to come back to you with a bill. Now (1st September 2019), this system is ready and we've been approaching our customers in batches to enable us to answer all their queries and get them regularized.

What is GB-day?

Every day, you consume a certain amount of GB of storage. This consumption changes as you transact mail, delete mail or mailboxes, etc. The GB-day quantity in the excess storage bill is the total of excess storage used each day of the month.

I have purchased storage per user as part of my subscription. Is each of my users consuming excess storage?

Together, as an organization, you are exceeding your total purchased storage volume. Our systems have computed your total purchased volume by aggregating your per-user storage across all your users. To learn more about each user's consumption, we suggest you subscribe to the user quota report as described here.

Can I get a detailed report about the storage consumption by my users?

If not already done, you can subscribe to the user quota report as described here.

Can I delete any excess email in my account to regularize my usage to my purchased quantities?

Sure you can. Refer to this document for strategies on how to clean up excess storage.

But since data is normally very valuable, we advise against cleanup since your estimated monthly bill for the excess storage is very low. 

In either case, your excess storage usage from 1st Sept 2019 will be tracked daily and as you delete email, your monthly bill will reflect the reduced usage. 

Do I have the option to purchase another block of storage and add that to my cumulative storage in one go, rather than this monthly bill?

Sure, please raise a ticket with the block of storage required. Our team will allocate that storage to you and send you a pro-rated bill by the end of your current contract period. 

What if I use less storage than what I have bought?

You will still have to pay for the storage mentioned in the Contract payment agreement.

I am using excess storage and paying monthly. How does my monthly bill for excess storage change, if I buy a block of storage in the middle of the month?

Let's explain this with an example

  • Your original purchase on 1st January was for 200 users and 1 TB of storage
  • On 15th March, your usage crossed 1TB and increased by 1 GB a day
  • On 31st March, your usage was 1015 GB (last 16 days of March at 1GB extra a day)
Your daily usage report will look like this:
2020-03-20,1006 (On this data, your excess usage is 6GB and you used 1006 GB_days)
2020-03-15,1001 (Your usage grew beyond 1000 on this date)
2020-03-01,1000 (One thousand GB on this date, viz 1000 GB_days)
  • So in March, your total storage consumption was 31,120 GB_days (sum of the daily consumption of storage)
  • A bill for the excess usage of storage for March will be generated to charge for the extra 120 GB_days charged at per GB per day
  • On 31st March, when your excess storage was 15 GB (total of 1015 GB), you decided to buy a block of 500 GB to take your total storage to 1500 GB.
  • So from 1st April, there is no excess storage usage on your account 
  • April onwards, you don't receive any bill for excess storage until you cross 1500 GB.

Bills for Excess users in SkyConnect/Vaultastic/Ideolve

During my contract, if I need to add more user licenses, how is this handled?

At the start of a contract, you pre-decide quantities of resources such as Users, Storage, and place an order. However, during the contract, if you feel the need to add more users than you have purchased, you can do this in any of the following ways:

  1. You add your users whenever you want; the system does not restrict you to your purchased quantities. The excess users are billed pro-rata at the end of the month and then month-on-month.
  2. You place an order for the additional users with us, and we update your license and bill you pro-rata to the end of your contract.

See an example below to learn how this works.

Can you explain with an example of how the bill of extra users works?

  • Your original purchase on 1st January was for 200 users and 1 TB of storage
  • On 15th March, you onboarded 20 new employees and wanted to give them all email ids. You added 20 new users on SkyConnect.
  • On 31st March, your usage was 220 users
Your daily usage report will look like this:
2020-03-15,220 (You added 20 users on this date)
2020-03-01,200 (200 users on this date, viz 200 User_days)

  • So in March, your total number of users was 6500 User_days (sum of the daily consumption of storage)
  • A bill for the excess usage of storage for March will be generated to charge for the extra 300 User_days.
  • On 31st March, when your excess storage was 20 users (a total of 220 users), you decided to buy a block of 50 users to take your total purchased user count to 250 users.
  • So from 1st April, there is no excess usage for users on your account 
  • April onwards, you don't receive any bill for excess users until you cross 250 users.

What is this unit of measurement - User_day?

User_day says, "how many users were provisioned in the system that day." Since this can change day to day (e.g., you may add a few users on a specific date and after some months, add some more or delete some users), thus this measurement unit tracks your consumption of user licenses daily. As explained in the example above, your excess user bill monthly includes the total of the excess number of users consumed in that month.