
Create a Container and generate token to allow LegacyFlo access

Login to Microsoft 365 account and navigate to Cloud computing services.

    Http link:

  • Search for Storage account
  • Click on the Storage accounts service

To create a new Storage Account to hold the LegacyFlo data, click Create

Give a unique name to your Storage Account

Select a Region , primary service , performance , Redundancy of your choice. ( Note: Confirm these settings with you Azure vendor as these may affect your billing)

Customize & review the other settings by clicking the Next buttons.

Click on Review + create

Verify the settings and click Create 

On successful creation of your Storage Account, you will be shown a confirmation as below.

Copy the Storage account name to a Notepad. This will be required when registering the storage with LegacyFlo.

Click on the name 

Search for Data Storage Containers and click on Containers

To create a new container, click on the + Container

Give an appropriate Name

Click on Create

Your newly created container will be visible in the Containers list. Copy the container name to a notepad. This will be required to register it with LegacyFlo. 

Click on the Container Name 

Click Shared access tokens 

Click Permissions 

Select: ReadWrite and List

Enter the expiry time for the token.

Click: Generate SAS token and URL

Copy paste Blob SAS token on notepad. This will be required for registering with LegacyFlo