
Assign Administrative Roles in Vaultastic

Note: The Vaultastic Inactive Store will henceforth be called the Vaultastic Open Store. During the transition, you will find references for both names within the documentation and other communications.

Overview of the administrative roles in Vaultastic

When you provision your first Vaultastic domain, two administrative roles (senior admin and junior admin ) get created for your organization.  Vault IDs assigned these roles can perform administrative tasks as mentioned in the table below: 

Senior Admin


(where orgname is the emailid of the registered user)

A Vault ID with a Sr Admin role will be able to access the Admin Panel and can perform all administrative tasks including updating domain properties, creating vaults, changing vault access rights, deleting vaults, resetting vault passwords, assigning admin roles and changing the vault viewing rights.
A senior admin can also delete or download files from the Open & Deep Stores.
Junior Admin


(where orgname is the emailid of the registered user)

A Vault ID assigned a junior admin role will be able to access the Admin Panel and can perform all administrative tasks except for deleting vaults, changing vault passwords, assigning admin roles, and changing the vault viewing rights.
A junior admin can only download files from Open & Deep Stores, delete operation is disabled.

NOTE: To update the Junior Admin Role such that none of the data stores are visible, contact Mithi Customer Care

By default, the senior admin role is assigned to the system default postmaster user.  

Note: For the first domain created, the roles allow admins to update the properties of the newly created domain. For subsequent Vaultastic domain addition, the roles for the organization is updated to allow update of properties of the newly created domain in addition to the existing domain.

If you login to your Vaultastic domain using an account having a senior admin role, then you can in turn assign the senior or junior admin role to any user in the domains of your organization.

Updating a user's role

  1. Log in to the Vaultastic Application using Administrative rights and navigate to the Admin Panel.
  2. In the left pane, click on the Vaultastic domain and select Vaults.  The middle pane will show the list of vaults in the selected Vaultastic domain. 
  3. Click the vault summary shown in the middle pane. The details pane will now show the details of the selected vault.
  4. In the right pane, expand the User Access section 
  5. Choose a suitable role.
  6. Click on Save in the bottom right corner.