
Login to LegacyFlo

There are two ways to login to LegacyFlo.

  1. The first method is the direct login via the LegacyFlo Application Login
  2. The second method is to launch the LegacyFlo application after securely logging into Vaultastic using a vault id with admin roles.

LegacyFlo Application Login

  1. Enter the URL in the browser address bar.
  2. Enter the User Id and Password & click the Login button. 
  3. On the first login, you will be prompted to reset the account password. Re-login to the portal using an updated password.
  4. On successful login, you can see the list of requests already submitted by you. If you have not submitted any request, you will see a blank list on the screen. To submit a request, refer to Submit a Request.

Launching LegacyFlo from Vaultastic

  1. Login to Vaultastic using a vault id with an admin role
  2. On the Application switch on the left, select the LegacyFlo app from the App launcher icon ( denoted by nine dots).
  3. LegacyFlo for the postmaster@<your Vaultastic domain> login will be launched in a separate browser tab.

Note: If you do not see the App Launcher icon, or cannot see LegacyFlo icon in the menu, contact Mithi Customer Care to enable the feature for your domain.