
Managing Files in the Open Store Application


The Open Store Application is used by Vaultastic Admins to browse through the store, upload & download data. 

Admins can search through the open store using file attributes such as file name, creation date etc.

The application integrates with LegacyFlo to allow admins to quickly upload data from popular sources such as mailboxes and drives. This interface is suitable to upload small volumes of data from the sources listed. However for large volumes of data or to upload from other sources, there are alternate upload methods available as explained here.

Similarly, the application can also be used to download or move small volumes of data. However there are different options to move out data as mentioned here 

Folder Management (Version 1.1+)

Creating a folder

  • To create a sub-folder in the selected folder, click on the Create New Folder button in the top right corner
  • You will be prompted to enter the new folder name in bread-crumb shown above the list of files 
  • Enter the new folder name and click Done.
  • To cancel the operation, click Cancel.

Deleting a folder

  • Only empty folders can be deleted.
  • To delete an empty folder, you can select the Delete option in the Action menu associated with the folder or select the folder by clicking on the check box next to it and clicking on the Delete button on top of the file list.

Navigating to a folder

  • You can navigate to any folder using the bread-crumb on top of the file list.
  • To navigate to a sub folder, simply click on the folder name in the File list.  

Uploading files to the Open Store

1. Uploading files from your desktop

  • From the list of options under Upload Files From, click on Upload files from your desktop
  • On the next screen, select all the required files to be uploaded to the store. Selected files will be listed with their sizes (in brackets).
  • Clicking the cross icon at the end of the file will remove that file from the list. 
  • Click the Upload button to upload all the selected files to the Store.
  • The uploaded files will be shown in the Files view of the Store.

2. Uploading a file with data from a mailbox/drive or Freshdesk solutions

The sections below list the upload options available from the Application interface

Google Workspace

Data Source Upload Option Preparation
GMail mailbox GMail using API (recommended) Follow the instructions given here.
GMail mailbox   Gmail Using IMAP With Less Secure Access
For less secure access via IMAP, follow the instructions given here.
GMail mailbox GMail Using IMAP access with OAuth
  1. For domain-wide delegated access, follow the instructions given here.
  2. Follow the steps given here to enable IMAP access for all the mailboxes to be migrated.
 GDrive GDrive  Follow the instructions given here.


Data Source Upload Option Preparation
Outlook mailbox Outlook Mailbox using API (recommended)
  • Step 1: Follow the instructions given here to get the credentials for the API.
  • Step 2: Delegate access as given here.
Outlook mailbox Outlook Mailbox using IMAP
  • Step 1: Follow the instructions given here to get the credentials for the API.
  • Step 2: Delegate access as given here.
OneDrive  OneDrive (using API)
  • Step 1: Follow the instructions given here to get the credentials for the API.
  • Step 2: Delegate access as given here.

Searching for files 

  • To filter the results, click on Filter icon on the top left corner. A Filter pop-up will allow you to define criteria such as filename, size, and last modification date.
  • You can search using file names. To search for file names starting with a given prefix, enter the value next to the Starts with operator. Similarly, you can specify values in the Ends with or Contains operators. You can specify one or more values. The search for file names will consider all the operators selected. 
  • You can search for files with sizes within the given range by specifying the min and max values.
  • Dates can be specified in three ways. You can select from a predefined range, select a date, or a date range.
  • To clear the entire form, click on Clear Filter on top right corner of the pop-up. To clear specific criteria, click on the clear button next to it.
  • Clicking on Fetch will fetch the file details of files matching the search criteria.
  • The file details are fetched in batches, scroll down to fetch more results.

Toggle between the folder and flat view

  • In Version 1 of the application, there is a single flat view supported and only the files in the root folder are displayed.
  • Starting with Version 1.1, you have an option to select between the Folder and the Flat view.
    • By default, the Folder view is selected. To select the flat view or the folder view, click on the corresponding icon nect to the Filter files icon in the top right corner.
    • When the folder view is selected, the filter option will show the files and sub-folders of the current folder. You can navigate across the folders in this view. The filter option will show the files in the current folder. To search through subfolder, you can simply navigate to the folder.
    • When the flat view is selected, and no filter applied, you will see the files in the root folder. If the filter option is selected in the flat view, all the files matching the search criteria across all folders of the domain will be shown. To get the file path, hover over the file name..
    • The download list icon on the left will download a list of all files from the selected folder and its sub-folders irrespective of the view selected.

Deleting files 

  • Clicking the Delete icon at the end of the row will delete the file permanently from the store. 
  • Selecting more than one file will show the Delete Selected option in the Actions pane. Click the Delete Selected button to remove files from the store.
  • As the deleting action is irreversible, the utmost care has to be taken before deleting any file from the store.

Downloading the list of files selected

  • To download the list of files, click on the Download list as CSV button on the top right corner of the file list
  • In Version 1 the list of files in the root folder will be downloaded
  • In version 1.1, using this option will download the list of all files in the selected folder and its subfolders, irrespective of the view selected.

Downloading files to your desktop from the Open Store 

  • Clicking the Download icon at the end of the row will download the file to the machine.
  • Selecting more than one file will show the Download Selected option in the Actions pane. Click the Download Selected button to download files from the store to your machine. 
  • The blue (D) icon will be shown next to the file name indicating the file has been downloaded in the current session.

Copying selected files to a cloud storage

You can copy selected files to another cloud storage. Supported cloud storages are AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage

  • Select one or more files
  • Click on the Copy Selected Files to S3 bucket icon to copy the files to the selected S3 bucket. Note, you have to register a S3 bucket to use this option. On submission, a LegacyFlo request is generated which will copy the selected files to the destination S3 bucket in the background.
  • Click on the Copy Selected Files to Google Cloud Storage icon to copy the files to the selected Google Cloud Storage bucket. Note, you have to register a Google Cloud Storage bucket to use this option. On submission, a LegacyFlo request is generated which will copy the selected files to the destination Google Cloud Storage bucket in the background.
  • Click on the Copy Selected Files to Azure Storage icon to copy the files to the selected Azure Blob storage. Note, you have to register a Azure Blob Storage to use this option. On submission, a LegacyFlo request is generated which will copy the selected files to the destination in the background.

Requirements and limits for downloading and uploading files to your desktop

Number of simultaneous downloads: 10

The Largest file that can be uploaded or downloaded: 200 GB 

Bandwidth requirements:

To upload or download a 100GB file in 1hr, the client needs an internet speed of approx. 30Mbps upload/download

The following table lists the different possibilities:

Upload/Download speed (Mbps)Time limit (hour)Largest file that can be uploaded/downloaded (GB)
30 Mbps1 hour100 GB
25 Mbps1 hour88 GB
20 Mbps1 hour70 GB
15 Mbps1 hour53 GB
10 Mbps1 hour35 GB
5 Mbps1 hour17.5 GB
1 Mbps1 hour3.5 GB

Note: Progress bars are shown during uploads and downloads. If the client switches between the open store home and uploads page during download and uploads respectively, the download/upload will continue but the client will lose track of any ongoing progress.