
Delegation of mailbox access on M365

Delegate mailbox access on Microsoft 365 (has to be repeated for every user whose mailbox content are to be migrated)


In the previous step, we created Graph API access keys using the admin id to access data in user's mailbox or drive on M365.

In order for LegacyFlo to be able to access contents of a mailbox or drive, access to that mailbox has to be delegated to the admin id. This step is required to be repeated for all users whose content has to be copied to Vaultastic Store.


1. The admin ID must have a valid license - a basic license is sufficient. (License application takes about an hour to come into effect)

2. This step is required for all request types connecting to the mailboxes on O365. Those which connect via API (e.g. M365API-S3-ZIP) AND those which connect via IMAP (e.g. O365-S3-ZIP)

OPTION 1: Delegate access one user at a time

Login to Microsoft 365 admin center account and navigate to

    Http link:

(a) Select Users

(b) Click on Active users

(c) Select any licensed user whose account access has to be delegated

(d) Click on the Mail tab for the selected user

(e) Click on Read and manage permissions

Delegate IMAP access on Microsoft 365

(a) Click on Add permissions

Delegate IMAP access on Microsoft 365

(a) Select the user who will get delegated access

(b) Click on Add

Delegate IMAP access on Microsoft 365

NOTE: Delegation takes about an hour to come into effect.

OPTION 2: Delegate access for all or selected users

Login to the M365 Admin Panel

Navigate to Exchange > Recipients > Mailboxes

(A) Select All users 

(B) Click on Mailbox delegation

(C) Select the user ID for which we have generated  the  Graph API credentials 

(D) Select Full access 

(E) Save 

Note: Post operation, it can take upto an hour for the delegation to be completed.

Enable IMAP access (has to be repeated for every user whose mailbox content are to be migrated)

NOTE: This step has to be done only for the LegacyFlo request types which connect to the source using IMAP. For example jobs such as O365-S3-ZIP and O365-S3-PST.

(a) Select the user whose IMAP access has to be enabled (must have a valid license)

(b) Select the Mail tab

(c) Click on Manage email apps

Delegate IMAP access on Microsoft 365

(a) Select IMAP

(b) Click on Save changes

Delegate IMAP access on Microsoft 365

Bulk Operations using the power shell

Delegating access for all

1) Open Window power shell with administrative mode

2) Download packets of Connect-ExchangeOnline

(link to refer ;-

  • Type Command- Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement

  • Now Type command- Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement (Module will be imported)

To connect on exchange Admin ID

Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName

Assing delegate user from which we have generated Microsoft graph API key.

$DelegateUser = ""

Get all mailboxes username list from tenant environment in filed string name mailbox.

$Mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited

Run below CMD to Loop through each mailbox and add full access permission.

Note :- Keep CMD terminal on if user list is more till it get completed and network connectivity should be proper other wise terminal will get disconnect and script will get kill in between.

foreach ($Mailbox in $Mailboxes) {

    try {

        Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $Mailbox.PrimarySmtpAddress -User $DelegateUser -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All -AutoMapping $false

        Write-Host "Full access granted to $DelegateUser for mailbox $($Mailbox.PrimarySmtpAddress)"


    catch {

        Write-Host "Error granting access to mailbox $($Mailbox.PrimarySmtpAddress): $_"



Disconnect Exchange

Disconnect from Exchange Online

Removing delegation access

1) Open Window power shell with administrative mode

2) Download packets of Connect-ExchangeOnline

(link to refer ;-

  • Type Command- Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement

  • Now Type command- Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement (Module will be imported)

  • Now type the command: Connect-ExchangeOnline

  • Given the credentials of the admin id.

3) Define the power shell script  as follows

$mailboxes =  "User1","User2" $mailboxes  | ForEach-Object{ $mailbox = $_ Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity $mailbox -User "User to whom delegation has been given" -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All} 


  • User ids have to be enclosed in double quotes
  • "User1", "User2", etc. are the ids from which the delegation has to be removed
  • "User to whom delegation has been given" is the user to whom the access has been given


$mailboxes = "",""

$mailboxes  | ForEach-Object{

$mailbox = $_

Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity $mailbox -User "" -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All}

4) On execution, you will be prompted to confirm the operation. Click Yes

5) Verify that the access has been removed using the Admin Center