Vaultastic Usage Dashboard
Note : The Vaultastic Inactive Store will henceforth be called the Vaultastic Open Store. During the transition, you will find references for both names within the documentation and other communications. Overview The Vaultastic Usage dashb...
LegacyFlo Automatic Requests Dashboard
Note : The Vaultastic Inactive Store will henceforth be called the Vaultastic Open Store. During the transition, you will find references for both names within the documentation and other communications. Overview Vaultastic uses Leg...
Open Store Audit Trail Dashboard
Overview When a user accesses the Vaultastic Open Store using admin privileges, he is allowed to delete or download the files from the Inactive Store depending on the role assigned to him. The Vaultastic Open Store Audit Trails Dashboard will li...
LegacyFlo Usage Dashboard
Overview The LegacyFlo dashboard plots the volume of data that was successfully processed on that day. The dashboards do not show the data processed for requests that have failed or in the processing state. There are two data sets to choose f...