

FAQs on using and configuring the SkyConnect applications

Quarantine Management Console for End Users

Learn how to use the Quarantine Management Console for End Users


Web Client Baya
Collaboration Applications in Baya Email features comparison in Baya Contacts features comparison in Baya Calendar features in comparison Baya Tasks features comparison in Baya Browser sup...
Baya V3 / V4
Web Client What is the difference between Baya V3 and Baya V4? Refer to the topic linked here . Which browsers are supported by Baya V3/ Baya V4? Refer to the topic linked here . How to log in to Baya? Refer to ...
Migrate from Baya V2 to Baya V4
Web Client What is the difference between Baya V2, V3, and V4? Refer to the topic linked here . Contacts How to migrate contacts from my Personal Address Book in Baya V2 to Baya V4? Keep your personal contact...
How to improve battery life of my mobile? There are various factors which affects the battery life of mobile devices. This topic gives you few options to save the battery and some links on internet where you can find more tips on saving battery o...
Can  we configure this mail services in Microsoft Outlook, if internet  services are running thru proxy server or data-card or direct or all of  them connectivity? Yes  surely you can. The only requirement is that the firewall in your  office sho...
FAQs on using SkyConnect Email Application
Can we attach user information (Name and Mobile number etc) as signature automatically for all users? No this is technically not feasible. Normally, when we compose a fresh  mail or reply or forward an email, we expect the signature to be right  ...
Does  SkyConnect store personal contacts maintained by a user on the server?  After deletion of a user, what happens to the personal contacts  maintained by that user? Yes personal contacts are maintained on the server with each user. If ...
How is the calendar better in Baya V3/V4? Refer to the topic linked here . How to migrate Calendar events from Baya V2 to Baya V3? Refer to the topic linked here . My calendar does not show new events If you have changed your SkyConnect pas...
I have configured my chat account on my mobile as well as desktop. I do miss the chat text on one of the client. To avoid this, you need to set the priority to 2 for all the clients you are using to access your chat account.  ...
Troubleshooting configuration
How do I access the applications from mobile or desktop clients? Configure your account in your preferred desktop client or mobile device to use the collaboration applications .To configure your mobile or desktop clients to access the collaborat...
Mailbox Quota
How do I select all mails in a folder using Baya V3 and move them to Trash? Login to your account on Baya V3. Select the Mail  application from the Application Switch. From the Folders list on the left, select the folder. The middle pane...