
Understanding the Deep Store Application Interface


The Deep Store is a file store of Vaultastic where you can upload files from external sources as well as the Open Store.

The Deep Store interface consists of the 

  1. Application menu on the left, 
  2. The Actions pane at the top of the right pane and 
  3. The file list on the bottom half of the right pane.

Application Menu

The Application menu is where you will find the interface to configure the connectors to data sources. It also has links to the documentation and can be used to logout from the Deep Store Application.

Action Pane

Using the controls on the Action pane, you can

  • Select the Vaultastic domain from the drop down list in the top right corner
  • Specify the filter for the files to be fetched
  • Use the Upload Files menu to upload files

Files view

  • The Files view is located below the Actions pane. The files view shows the list of files whose details have been fetched from the Deep Store. Details shown are the filename, size, and the last modified date. 
  • On executing the search filter in the Actions pane, a matching list of files will be populated in the Files view. These files are fetched in batches. The number of files fetched is shown at the top of the list, scroll down to fetch more files from the Deep Store.
  • Clicking the down arrow next to the Sort by Column header will show the list of criteria. To sort the fetched files, select the option name, size, or date from the list. 
  • Clicking the Delete icon at the end of the row will delete the file permanently from the store. 
  • Clicking the Download icon will download the file to the machine.
  • Selecting more than one file will show Download Selected or Delete Selected options in the Actions pane. When downloading multiple files, a single zip file is downloaded.
  • The blue (D) icon will be shown next to the file name indicating the file has been downloaded in the current session.
  • NOTE: The Download option is only available when the file has been restored to allow download and copy operations. By default a file is available in the restored state for 7 days.