
LegacyFlo Usage Dashboard


  • The LegacyFlo dashboard plots the volume of data that was successfully processed on that day.
  • The dashboards do not show the data processed for requests that have failed or in the processing state.
  • There are two data sets to choose from, Daily and Cumulative.
  • If you select the Daily option, you will get the details of a day at a time.
    • For example, if two requests are submitted on the 1st of a month, each for 50 GB data, and one finished processing on the 2nd and another on the 10th, then the dashboard will show 50 GB data processed on the 2nd and 50 GB on the 10th.
  • If you select the Cumulative option, then the results will show the total volume process till the day from the start of the subscription.
    • For example, if two requests are submitted on the 1st of a month, each for 50 GB data, and one finished processing on the 2nd and another on the 10th, then the dashboard will show 50 GB data processed from 2nd to 9th of the month and 100 GB from the 10th of the month.
  • The data is showed in a graphical and a tabular format.
  • When you choose the Cumulative data set, then the graphs will show the GB processed from start of subscription against the I/O credits purchased.
  • Data in the table can be downloaded in a CSV format.

Accessing the LegacyFlo Usage Dashboard

To access the LegacyFlo Usage dashboard

  1. Log in to the Vaultastic domain using the credentials of a vault with an admin role
  2. From the Application switch on the left, click on the LegacyFlo Usage Dashboard icon
  3. The dashboard will open in a new tab.