
Set Up Your Domain on SkyConnect

Learn the simple 6 step process to take your domain live on SkyConnect.


Step 1: Create your SkyConnect domain
If you are new to Mithi, sign up for SkyConnect to automatically provision your account and domain in a few minutes. For existing Mithi customers for SkyConnect or Vaultastic, please raise a ticket to the Mithi Support team with the detai...
Step 2: Provision users, aliases & distribution lists
Login to the Admin Panel Every domain has a default admin account. The email id of this account will be postmaster@ . The credentials for this account will be sent to you via email on the registered email id for your organization. Use...
Step 3: Integrate with your setup
Overview Once your domain and users are provisioned on SkyConnect, its time to test the system from your environment. In this phase, you will also configure the system to integrate tightly with your setup.  1. Confirm web client ...
Step 4: Migrate user data
Overview Once you domain is provisioned, users added and the testing of the setup from your office and the integration with your other applications is done, it is time to decide on the data migration strategy. The sections below sugge...
Step 5: Go live
Pre-requisites The fifth and the last step of on-boarding  your mailing domain on Sky Connect is the Go live step. Before starting the preparation for the go live, it is assumed that The domain has been provisioned on SkyConn...