
Copy Files from AWS S3 to Azure Blob Storage


Using the S32AZUREBLOB-COPY request type, users of LegacyFlo can copy one or more files from a source S3 bucket to a destination Azure Blob Storage.

S3 Buckets can be in different accounts and in any region supported by LegacyFlo.

The request will copy files from the source to the destination, overriding any files with the same name already present.

If source files are not present or cannot be accessed, then these will be skipped. The list of such files will be available in the logs which will be available after the completion of the request. 

The S32AZUREBLOB-COPY request can also be used to copy files from the Vaultastic Open Store to a Azure Blob Storage.


Before submitting an S32AZUREBLOB-COPY request

1. If the source is your own S3 bucket, then register it with LegacyFlo.

2. Register the destination Azure Blob Storage with LegacyFlo.

Source information (S3 bucket)

S3 Bucket Name

The S3 bucket that has the source file to be copied. Select the S3 bucket name from the drop-down list.

The list will show 

  • S3 buckets in your AWS account registered with LegacyFlo
  • the bucket hosting your Vaultastic Open Store(mithi-ind1-vaultastic-legacystore).
S3 Folder path

If the files are on the Vaultastic Open Store, then this parameter will have the name of your Vaultastic domain. Example:

If the file is on your own bucket, give the folder which contains the files. Leave this value empty if the source file is on the root of the S3 bucket.

NOTE: S3 folder path should not start or end with a "/"

Source Filter information

CSV FileSelect the CSV file with the list of files to be copied.
The file should have a single column.
The first row is the header, with the keyword FileName
Subsequent rows will have the names of the files on the source bucket in the specified path.
Note: Each CSV file should not have more than 1500 filenames.


Destination information (Azure Blob Storage)

Azure Blob Storage account name

The Azure Blob Storage account name for the destination files. Select the Azure Blob storage account name from the drop-down list.

The list will show the Azure Blob Storage accounts registered with LegacyFlo