
Audit Trail Dashboard


The Audit Trail dashboard can be used to view all the critical operations done by logged in users, using the following applications

  • Active Store Ediscovery application
  • Open Store application
  • Deep Store application
  • Customer account application

Accessing the Audit Trails Dashboard

Login to your Vaultastic domain using an id with admin rights. By default, the postmaster id of your Vaultastic domain has admin rights.

From the Application switch on the left, click on the icon for the Audit Trails Dashboard.

The dashboard will be launched in a new browser tab.

Using the dashboard to monitor the delete and download operations

From the top right corner of the dashboard, select the domain from the drop-down list.

Use the App selector to the left to select the Vaultastic App

Clicking on the magnifying glass icon on the left will help you to filter the application audit trail logs. The options are

  • Status
  • From and to dates
  • User ID
  • Operation

On filtering, you will be able to see a table with the following columns

TimestampThe date and time of the operation
StatusStatus of the operation
OperationOperation performed
Output MessageThe message, if any returned by the operation
Actor IDThe user id who performed the operation
Event SourceThe application. For example, Open or Deep Store.
Event resourceThe resource on which the action was performed. For example, the file name in Open or Deep Store
Event start timeStart time of the operation
Event End timeEnd time of the operation`

  • In addition to the default columns, you can also change the tabular view to show additional columns by selecting the columns from the drop-down list next to filter in the top left corner. 
  • The icons on the top right corner of the table allow you to
    • Navigate through the list
    • Download the list
    • Refresh the list