
Scheduling the submission of LegacyFlo requests


The Scheduler can be used to automate tasks such as uploading data to a Vaultastic store. 

For example, if you require to take a backup of OneDrive data for all or selected users every month, you can define a schedule which will ensure that the LegacyFlo requests are automatically submitted every month.

What LegacyFlo requests can be submitted via the scheduler

The LegacyFlo requests that can be submitted via the scheduler are


  2. M365API-S3-PST
  3. M365API-S3-ZIP

Google Workspace

  1. GDrive-S3-ZIP

What are the frequencies available

The frequencies supported are as given in the table below

FrequencyWhen it is scheduledThe time range for the LegacyFlo request.
DailyEveryday after midnightWhen submitting, the "Since" date will be the date of the previous day and the "Before" date will be the date of submission.
For example, if the execution is triggered on 10th Aug 2024, then the Since date will be 1st Jul 2024 and the Before date will be 1st Aug 2024.
WeeklyAfter midnight of every TuesdayWhen submitting, the "Since" date will be the Sunday of the previous week and the "Before" date will Sunday of the current week (that just went by).
MonthlyAfter midnight of the 5th of every monthWhen submitting, the "Since" date will be the 1st of the month prior to the submission and the "Before" date will be the 1st of the current month.
For example, if the execution is triggered on 10th Aug 2024, then the Since date will be 1st Jul 2024 and the Before date will be 1st Aug 2024.
YearlyAfter midnight of 15th Jan of every yearWhen submitting, the "Since" date will be the 1st of Jan of the year prior to the submission and the "Before" date will be the 1st of Jan of the current year.
For example, if the execution is triggered on 15th Jan 2024, then the Since date will be 1st Jan 2023 and the Before date will be 1st Jan 2024.

Accessing the Scheduler

  • To access the Scheduler application, login to your Vaultastic domain using a vault ID having admin privileges.
  • From the application switch on the left, click the Scheduler icon
  • The Scheduler application will be launched in a new browser tab.
  • Select the Vaultastic domain from the drop down list in the top right corner.

Managing Schedules

Adding a Schedule

  • Click on the Add Schedule button on the top right corner
  • In the pop-up, select LegacyFlo from the drop down menu. Click Continue
  • In the Add Schedule pop-up, select the category and the request type. Click Continue
  • In the next pop-up,
    • Give a suitable name to the schedule
    • Give a description
    • Select a Frequency
    • Upload a CSV file with the details of the requests to be schedule. For a sample CSV, click on download sample link. NOTE: A CSV can have a maximum of 1500 records.
    • Confirm the domain for which the requests have to be schedule in the drop down below.
    • You have an option to keep the schedule "disabled" when submitting it. To do so, click the Disabled check box.
    • Click Add 
    • The summary of the newly added schedule will be displayed in the Schedules list.

Editing a schedule

Once a schedule has been submitted, you can edit the name or the description of the schedule. You can also change the status of the schedule. The other parameters of the schedule cannot be updated.

To edit a schedule, 

  • Click on the check box at the start of the schedule summary in the list
  • Click on the Pencil icon on top of the list
  • Update the name or description.
  • Update the status of the schedule. To disable the schedule, click on the check box next to Disabled label. To enable the the schedule, un-check the check box.
  • Click on the Edit button to save the changes.

Deleting a schedule

Schedules can be deleted as given below:

  • Click on the check box at the start of the schedule summary in the list
  • Click on the Delete icon on top of the list.
  • Confirm the deletion on the pop-up

Note: Even if a schedule is deleted, any LegacyFlo requests already submitted will get executed.

Monitoring an execution

Checking the Scheduler submission status

  • Navigate the Scheduler page and identify the schedule. Click anywhere on the row.
  • The details of the last execution will be shown at the top and include the following
    • Execution ID: a unique ID used to identify this execution
    • Date and time at which it was executed
    • Status of the execution
    • Total requests to be submitted
    • Number of requests successfully submitted
    • Number of requests that could not be submitted
    • You can even download the list of requests to be submitted, the list of requests that were successfully submitted and the list of requests that could not be submitted
  • To get the LegacyFlo request ids of the successfully submitted requests, click on the icon with three vertical dots next to the execution id.
    • A pop up will give the entire list of request ids which can be downloaded 

Checking the LegacyFlo request status

From the Scheduler interface, you can get the list of all the LegacyFlo requests submitted for each execution of the schedule.

  • To check the status of the LegacyFlo requests, you have to navigate to the LegacyFlo interface. 
  • In the Search pop-up, add the Execution ID in the Request Title field. LegacyFlo will fetch the details of all the requests submitted.