
Backup M365 Teams data onto the Vaultastic Open Store


  • M365 Teams is used by organizations for most internal communications. Teams data carries important conversations and documents which need to be archived.
  • Using the LegacyFlo Teams-S3-ZIP or Teams-S3-PST request types, you can now archive Teams conversations into emails which are saved on the Vaultastic Open or the Vaultastic Deep Store.
  • The destination ZIP or PST file will contain one email per OneOnOne chat of the user with other users of the domain in the given time frame, or one email per Group chat in which the user participated in the given time period.

Step 1: Getting access to the Teams data

This is a one-time process, in which you generate the Graph API access key and register with LegacyFlo.

Follow the steps given here.

Step 2: Register the S3 bucket on which Open/Deep Store is hosted with LegacyFlo

The S3 bucket on which the Vaultastic Open/Deep Store is hosted has to be registered with LegacyFlo (this is a one time activity). For the steps on registration, refer to this article

Note: For the Open Store, the first step of bucket creation, policies and permissions mentioned in the article is to be skipped.

Step 3: Submitting a LegacyFlo request

You can submit requests to archive Teams communication data using the LegacyFlo interface.

The request type to be used is Teams-S3-ZIP or Teams-S3-PST.

The source parameters for the request are as follows:

Source Information

User IDUser id on M365 domain whose data needs to be retrieved
(Note: The id should not contain the domain name.)
DomainSource domain on M365""
Operation Type

There are two options to choose from 

1. OneOnOne 

2. Group

If you choose OneOnOne, all the Teams one on one chats for the user will be retrieved.

If you choose Group, all the Teams group chats for the user will be retrieved.

Include JSON ResponseBy default, all chat communications are converted to email in the HTML format and any documents shared are attached to the mail. 
The Include JSON Response option should be enabled if you wish to add the RAW JSON returned by the Graph API as an additional attachment.

Filter Information

Since (DD-MMM-YYYY)If this field is left blank, all the communications of the user till one day before the date specified in the Before field will be retrieved.
If this field has a valid input, then all communications since the date specified will be retrieved.
Before(DD-MMM-YYYY)If this field is left blank, all the communications from the date specified in the Since field till the date prior to the date when the execution starts will be retrieved.
If the field has a valid input, all communications till a day prior to the date specified will be retrieved.

Destination Information



S3 bucket nameThis is the name of the S3 bucket on which your Vaultastic Open Store is hosted.mithi-ind1-vaultastic-legacystore
S3 folder pathThis is the name of your Vaultastic
File nameThe destination filename for the result of the LegacyFlo request. Choose a filename that will help you identify the contents.,

Refer to this topic to get the S3 credentials for your Vaultastic Open Store.

Step 4 (optional): Submitting multiple LegacyFlo requests to archive data for multiple users

To upload multiple jobs using a CSV, create a CSV file with a list of all the users and other details required to upload data.