
Using the ClrStream Outbound Application to send mail


The ClrStream Outbound service can be used to send out mail to a contact list.

This can be done using the ClrStream Outbound web application as given in the section below.

Sending mail to contact list using the ClrStream Outbound Application

1) Login to your ClrStream Outbound application account

Using the credentials shared with you, login to the web application for ClrStream Outbound.

2) Navigate to the Subscribers Section

  1. Go to Subscribers list and click "Add a list". Give a suitable name and description and click "Save"
  2. Clicking on Subscribers List will show you your newly added list
  3. Select "Import Subscribers" and the option "Import by uploading a CSV file ..."
  4. Select the Subscriber list. Click Choose File and select the file with the subscribers email ids. The first line should contain the keyword "Email-IDs". In the Field Delimiter section press "Enter".
  5. Scroll down and Click "Confirm Import"
  6. The contact list import will start. The time taken for the upload to complete depends on the number of contacts in the csv and also the end point network upload speed. Typically, it takes approximately 20-30 minutes to upload about 1 lakh contacts. Once the import is complete, you will see the summary the summary. Note - any duplicate email ids or invalid email ids will be skipped.

3) Confirm the subscriber list

  1. Click on "Subscribers List"
  2. Select list and view members

4) Start the campaign

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns section
  2. Select "Send a campaign"
  3. In the Step 1: Content
    1. Set the campaign subject
    2. In "From line" enter the sender email id
    3. For "Content" select "Compose Message"
    4. In the Compose message edit box, paste the HTML content of the mail body. Note: Make sure any links in the HTML pasted are valid.
    5. Click "Save and Continue Editing"
  4. In Step 2: Format
    1. Choose Send as HTML
    2. Click "Save and Continue Editing"
  5. In Step 3: Attach (optional)
    1. Add any attachments 
    2. Click "Save and Continue Editing"
  6. In Step 4: Schedule (optional)
    1. Choose the schedule
    2. Click "Save and Continue Editing"
  7. In Step 5: Lists
    1. Choose the list
    2.  Click "Save and Continue Editing"
  8. In Step 6: In Finish
    1. Select email ids to receive alerts.
    2. Click "Place Campaign Queue for Sending"
  9. Click on View Progress to view progress - the sending will start in a minute or two

5) Monitoring the campaign

  1. Navigate to Campaigns
  2. Go to the list of campaigns and select the Active tab
  3. View progress

6) Clearing the subscriber list

  1. Navigate to "Manage Subscribers"
  2. Select "Bulk remove subscribers"
  3. Paste the entire list of scubscribers to be removed
  4. Click "Continue"