Fast and secure mail delivery to any domain on the Internet.
Getting Started
Overview The ClrStream Outbound service offers fast, reliable and secure deliver of your outgoing email. There are two ways this service can be used. You can configure your applications to use the SMTP service of ClrStream to deliver email to...
Using the ClrStream Outbound Campaigns Application to send mail
Overview The ClrStream Outbound service can be used to send out mail to a contact list. This can be done using the ClrStream Outbound Campaigns web application as given in the section below. Sending mail to contact list using the ClrStream Ou...
ClrStream SMTP Trace
Overview The ClrStream Outgoing service is used by SkyConnect and other applications to deliver outbound mail. The service ensures proper delivery of mail. Often, Skyconnect and other customers need to trace the flow of mail via the service to...
ClrStream Outbound Reports
Overview Users of ClrStream Outbound Service will receive a single consolidated report to the technical contact id registered in their Customer Account . The report contains the overall outbound mail statistics including the number of mail s...