To login to the Vaultastic application, follow the steps given below.
Enter the URL https://{Domain-name} in the browser address bar, replacing domain name with your domain. For example, if your primary email domain is, the Vaultastic URL for your domain will be In case of doubt, contact your system administrator.
If 2FA has been enabled for you, the flow is as follows:
Enter your Vault ID. Your Vault ID will be the same as the one on the primary domain. For example, if your email id is, then your Vault ID will be
An OTP will be sent to your primary email id and/or mobile number registered with Vaultastic. In case you do not receive an OTP on either the email id or mobile, you can click on 'Resend OTP' to generate a new OTP.
Enter the OTP and the password
If 2FA has not been enabled, then the follow is as followsOn the login page, enter your Vault ID and password.
On the login page, enter your Vault ID and password.
- Your Vault ID will be the same as the one on the primary domain. For example, if your email id is, then your Vault ID will be
If you are logging in for the first time or have forgotten your Vault password, use the forgot pass link to set a new password.
For enhanced security, your domain administrator might have enabled a Captcha image on the login page. Enter the characters seen in the image.
Click on the Login button.
On successful login, you will be taken to the Vaultastic Application.