
Usage Dashboard

Note: The Vaultastic Inactive Store will henceforth be called the Vaultastic Open Store. During the transition, you will find references for both names within the documentation and other communications.


Using the Vaultastic Usage Dashboard, you can view the following details for each of your Vaultastic domains:

  • Active Store usage summary
    • Total vaults, vaults with access
    • Total storage on the active store
    • Total number of emails on the active store
  • Open Store usage summary 
    • Total Storage
    • Total files
  • Deep Store usage summary
    • Total storage
    • Total files
  • You can also view usage details for each month and drill down into a day's usage.

Accessing the Usage Dashboard

To access the usage dashboard

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel using the credentials of a vault with an admin role
  2. From the Application switch on the left, click on the Usage Dashboard icon
  3. The dashboard will open in a new tab
  4. The list of your Vaultastic domains will be accessible in a drop-down list in the top-right corner of the dashboard. By default, your first Vaultastic domain will be selected.
  5. To view the details of another domain, select the domain from the drop-down list.

Usage Summary

The Summary section shows the latest usage summary. The date last updated is displayed next to the header.

The summary section is divided into two parts, the Active Store and the Open Store.

Each element of the active store is shown as a tile, as described in the table below.

Title Description

The total number of vaults on the Active Store.

Clicking on the tile will open the details section on the right side.

Vaults with Self Service Access

The vaults with self-service access.

Clicking on the tile will open the details section on the right side.

Vaults with Full Access

The vaults with full access.

Clicking on the tile will open the details section on the right side.

Vaults with No Access

The vaults without any access.

Clicking on the tile will open the details section on the right side.

Total Storage

This tile shows the total storage in the Active Store on the given day.

To toggle between GB/TB click on the GB or Verbose link next to the value.

Total mails The tile shows the total number of mails in the Active Store

The elements of the open store are shown in tiles as described in the table below.

Tile Description
Total Storage

The total storage in the  Open Store on the given day.

To toggle between GB/TB click on the GB or Verbose link next to the value.

Number of files The total number of files in the Open Store on the given day

The elements of the Deep Store are shown in tiles as described in the table below.

Tile Description
Total Storage

The total storage in the Deep Store on the given day.

To toggle between GB/TB click on the GB or Verbose link next to the value.

Number of files The total number of files in the Deep Store on the given day

Vault Details

The Vault Details section can be used to get the vault details for a particular month or day.

To get the vault summary for a month, scroll down to the vaults details section and select the month.

If the data for that month has been collected, then it will be shown in the table below, with the last day of the month being the first row of the table. If there is no data collected, then it will be indicated with a dash (-).

For each day of the month, you can see the details of the vaults provisioned.

To download the summary, click on the download button next to the section header.

The details in the table are as described below:

Column Description
Date The date
Total vaults

The total vaults present on the date.

Click on the cell to see the details in the detail view on the right side.

Self Service vaults

The vaults with self-service access on that date.

Click on the cell to see the details in the detail view on the right side.

Full access vaults

The vaults with full access on that date.

Click on the cell to see the details in the detail view on the right side.

No access vaults

The vaults with no access on that date.

Click on the cell to see the details in the detail view on the right side.

Added vaults

The vaults that were added on the given day. These could have been added by the admin using the admin panel, or created automatically.

Click on the cell to see the details in the detail view on the right side.

Missing vaults

The list of vaults for whom the mail was not archived on the given day.

Click on the cell to see the details in the detail view on the right side.

Deleted vaults The vaults that were deleted by the admin on the given day.

Storage Details

The Storage Details section can be used to get the storage details for a particular month or day.

To get the storage summary for a month, scroll down to the storage details section and select the month from the selector in the top right corner.

If the data for that month has been collected, then it will be shown in the table below, with the last day of the month being the first row of the table. If there is no data collected, then it will be indicated with a -

For each day of the month, you can see the details of the storage used.

To download the summary, click on the download button next to the section header.

The details in the table are as described below:

Column Description
Date Date
Total Active Storage

The total active storage on the given day.

To toggle between bytes and click on the bytes or GB link next to the value. 

For large values, double click on Verbose to toggle between bytes and TB.

Active Storage Added

The active storage added.

To toggle between bytes and click on the bytes or GB link next to the value.

For large values, double click on Verbose to toggle between bytes and TB.

Mails in Active Storage

The total mails in the active storage

Mails added in Active Storage The number of mail added on the day
Total Open Storage

Total storage on the Open Store on the day.

To toggle between bytes and click on the bytes or GB link next to the value.

For large values, double click on Verbose to toggle between bytes and TB.

Open Storage Added

The storage that was added to the Open Store on the day.

To toggle between bytes and click on the bytes or GB link next to the value.

For large values, double click on Verbose to toggle between bytes and TB.

Total Deep Storage

Total storage on the Deep Store on the day.

To toggle between bytes and click on the bytes or GB link next to the value.

For large values, double click on Verbose to toggle between bytes and TB.

Deep Storage Added

The storage that was added to the Deep Store on the day.

To toggle between bytes and click on the bytes or GB link next to the value.

For large values, double click on Verbose to toggle between bytes and TB.

Details View

The details view opens on the right when you click on certain tiles in the summary or on specific cells in the Vault details sections.

The details view shows the details of the vaults.

You can search for details of a particular vault by entering the vault id in the Search for Vault at the top of the view.

You can also download the details in a CSV file, by clicking on the download icon next to the heading at the top of the view.

To close the details view, click on the x icon in the top right corner.