
Vaultastic for Microsoft 365


Your use of the M365 applications such as Outlook, Teams and OneDrive generate a lot of valuable data that should be archived for data backup, supervision or compliance use cases.

Vaultastic can be configured to receive, store and index email and file data in various stores depending on the data type and the frequency of access.

Email Data

Email data generated using M365 can be broadly classified into 3 categories for archival purposes

  1. Live Email transactions 
  2. Email already delivered to user's mailboxes.
  3. Email exported from mailboxes and stored in OST/PST files.

There are different ways to injest this data automatically or manually to the various Vaultastic stores

1. Live Email transactions

To make sure that a copy of every mail transacted by selected or all users is automatically copied to the Vaultastic Active Store, the journaling feature of M365 is used.

The one-time setup to configure this automation is as documented here.

2. Email already delivered to user's mailboxes.

Email residing in users mailboxes can be copied from the mailboxes to the Vaultastic Active or Open Stores using the appropriate LegacyFlo request types

The details of copying this data to Vaultastic Open Store is given here. The details of copying the data to Vaultastic Active Store is given here.

If the Outlook mailboxes have been configured to automatically move aging data to the M365 In-place Archive, then this data can be exported into PST files and uploaded to the Vaultastic Open Store as given here.

3. Email exported from mailboxes and stored in OST/PST files.

Email data already in PST files can be uploaded to the Vaultastic Open Store. There are multiple ways to upload to the Open Store as given here.

Teams Chat communication data

Teams Chat communication data can be archived to Vaultastic for supervision, long term data protection and compliance needs.

LegacyFlo requests can be used to archive OneOnOne or Group chats of selected or all users on M365 filtered by a start and end date. LegacyFlo converts the chats into emails which can be uploaded to the Vaultastic Active or the Vaultastic Open and Deep Stores.

The following table gives the summary of the LegacyFlo jobs used to archive Teams Chat communication data.

LegacyFlo Request TypeDescription
This request type is used to convert Teams Chat Communications into emails which are stored in a PST. This PST file can be uploaded to Vaultastic Open Store or a S3 bucket in your AWS account.

The PST will contain one email per OneOnOne chat of the user with other users of the domain in the given time frame, or one email per Group chat in which the user participated in the given time period.
This request type is used to convert Teams Chat Communications into emails which are stored in a ZIP file. This ZIP file can be uploaded to Vaultastic Open Store or a S3 bucket in your AWS account.

The ZIP file will contain one email per OneOnOne chat of the user with other users of the domain in the given time frame, or one email per Group chat in which the user participated in the given time period.
This request type is used to convert Teams Chat Communications into emails which are stored on the Vaultastic Active Store

The Active Store will contain one email per OneOnOne chat of the user with other users of the domain in the given time frame, or one email per Group chat in which the user participated in the given time period.

OneDrive data

OneDrive data can be uploaded to the Vaultastic Open Store using LegacyFlo as mentioned here.