
Exporting PST files from Microsoft 365 In-place Archive

One-time setup

Step 1: Log in to your M365 account using the credentials of your M365 admin account.

Step 2: Navigate to the Admin Center and select Security

Step 3: Under Permissions, Select Roles from the Email & Collaboration Roles section.

Step 4: Select eDiscovery Manager and edit the definition. 

Step 5: Choose the eDiscovery Manager & Choose the eDiscovery Administrator. 

In the wizard, choose the eDiscovery Manager and Administrator. (It is recommended that the manager and administrator roles are assigned to the M365 Admin used for login)

Save the changes.

Make data Export ready for selected users

Step 1: Navigate to the Compliance Admin Center.

Step 2: Navigate to the Content Search section and click on New Search. 

Note: If the Content Search option is not visible, go back to the previous step and review the definition of the eDiscovery Manager.

Step 3: Give a suitable name and description to the new search

Step 4: In the Locations section, select Exchange mailboxes as the location and choose all users

To export contents for more than one mailbox, choose more than one user.

Step 5: In the Conditions section, use the Query builder to define a date 

Select Query builder, add a condition for Date

Choose the operator Between and specify the start and end dates. Click Next.

Step 6: Review and submit

Review the name, location and search criteria for the search. Click Submit

Step 7: Monitor progress by clicking on the search (export may take days depending on the volume)

The newly submitted search will be visible under Content Search. Click on it to view the status. You will also receive an email alert when the job is complete.

Export data

Step 1: Navigate to the Content Search section in the Compliance Admin Center

Step 2: Click on the Content Search job executed in the previous step.

Step 3: From the Actions menu, select Export results.

In the pop-up, select "All items..." as the Output option, and in the Export Content as, select One PST for each mailbox.

Click Export.

Step 4: Navigate to the Export tab and select the export object.

Copy the key to the clipboard

Step 5: Click on download results.

The microsoft ediscovery tool will be downloaded to your desktop. 

Once the download of the tool is complete, a pop-up will show up. In the pop-up, enter the key and select destination location. 

Hit the Start button

Once the download is complete, the files can be uploaded to the Open Store using various options given here.