


This document contains parameter details required when submitting a request to search for and extract data from an EML ZIP file using LegacyFlo

The search attributes are specified in a CSV file as mentioned below

The extracted data if any, will be uploaded to the destination bucket from where it can be downloaded

On job completion, the status of the job will be shared via email and will also be visible on the LegacyFlo console

Create a CSV File to extract email from a PST or ZIP file 

The CSV file for the Extract jobs is where you define the search criteria. The file contents should be as follows

  • The first row of the CSV file should have the following headers
NOTE:  Do not change the Order of the columns in the header and make sure that the CSV has the headers
  • Subsequent rows will have the records of emails to be searched. Make sure that each row has at least one non-empty column.
  • The search criteria have to be given as follows :
    • The values in each row have to match for the mail to be selected. For example, if From and To are specified, then all mail with the given sender AND the given recipient will match
    • Each row has only one value for every field. So if you want to search for mail sent by a sender to any of the two recipients, then two rows, each having a different recipient will have to be added to the CSV
    • The value given in the Subject has to be an exact match for the mail to be selected. For example, if you specify "Hello world" in the subject, only those mail that contains the full string "Hello world" will be selected.
    • The date field should have the date in the DDMMMYYYY format. For example 21mar2021.
  • Click here to download the sample CSV.

Source Information



S3 bucket nameThis is the name of the S3 bucket on which your Vaultastic Open Store is hosted.mithi-ind1-vaultastic-legacystore
S3 folder pathThis is the name of your Vaultastic
File nameThe source filename,
S3 bucket regionThe region in which the bucket is hosted.ap-southeast-1

Refer to this topic to get the S3 credentials for your Vaultastic Open Store.




CSV FileSelect the CSV file with search strings from your machine which you have created as mentioned in the Create a CSV File sectionsearch-john-jan-2021.csv


Destination Information

S3 bucket name

The S3 bucket for the destination file. Select the S3 bucket name from the drop-down list.

The list will show 

  • S3 buckets in your AWS account registered with LegacyFlo
  • The bucket hosting your Vaultastic Open Store(mithi-ind1-vaultastic-legacystore).
S3 folder path

If the file has to be created on the Vaultastic Open Store, then this parameter will have the name of your Vaultastic domain. Example:

If the file is to be created on your own bucket, give the folder which will contain the destination file. Leave this value empty if the destination file has to be created on the root of the S3 bucket.

NOTE: S3 folder path should not start or end with a "/"

Doc TypeWhen extracting content from a ZIP or PSt bundle, the extracted files can be saved in a single ZIP or as individual files.
Choose ZIP file, if you want all extracted emails / files to be extracted to a single zip file.
Choose File, if all the extracted files have to be saved as individual files on the destination bucket. NOTE: When you choose this option, any existing files with the same name will be over-written. 
Zip File name

The destination ZIP filename. This option will be visible only if you choose ZIP file in the Doc Type option. 

NOTE: Filenames should not start or end with a "/"

Other Infromation


Send report to mail idEmail address which will get the notifications""