
NOT USED Login to the SecureMailFlow Console

Login to the Secure Mail Flow console

  1. Enter the URL in the browser.
  2. Log in to the console using admin id postmaster@<yourdomain> where <yourdomain> is replaced by your domain name.  The password for the console would have been shared with you via email when your domain was provisioned, or you can use the forgot password application to reset your password.

Note: If you have hosted multiple domains on SkyConnect or ClrStream, the login id for the Secure Mail Flow console will be the postmaster id of the first domain created.

  1. Click the Log On button to proceed.
  2. On successful login, you will see the dashboard showing charts for email traffic relayed through Secure Mail Flow service.

  3. As an admin of your organization,

Reset the password using the Forgot Pass application

1. Go to the login page of the HES Quarantine console by entering the URL in your browser

2. Click the Forgot your password? link.

3. The application checks if you have an online account. Choose No on the pop-up message to proceed.

4. On the Reset Password Request form,

The User name is the postmaster id of your first SkyConnect domain (postmaster@[domain name])

The  Admin email  id is the ID provided when your organization was provisioned with Mithi. 

Enter captcha letters displayed in the image

Submit the information.

5. You will receive an email from on your registered email id. This mail will have the following information:

  • HES Trend Micro login page link
  • User name
  • Temporary Password to login the console

Use the information to login and reset your password.

Changing the password from the console

1. Logon to the Admin Console

2. Click user name and navigate to Change Password option

3. On the Change Admin Password screen, provide the Old password, enter the New password and confirm the same.

4. Click Save.