The Secure Mail flow service actively protects your mailbox by quarantining spam and other unwanted email.
Quarantined messages are blocked before delivery to your email account.
To see the quarantined messages for the last 30 days or manage your Approved or blacklisted senders, you can log into your Quarantine console.
Using a single account to log on, you can manage multiple Hosted Email Security End User Quarantine website accounts.
Those accounts must already be registered and activated.
To manage multiple accounts,
Enter the link in your favorite browser to navigate to the quarantine console.
On the login screen of the quarantine console, provide your email id and password associated with the account.
Select the Managed Accounts tab.
Click the Add button to add user whose account needs to be managed.
Note: Make sure the account that needs to be managed is already registered with Hosted Email Security.
- Provide registered user id and password associated with the account. -Click Ok to send the request through email to the user whose account needs to be managed.
- Click Ok to confirm.
Logon to the user's primary mail account.
Open the mail received from HES Trend Micro which contains a link to confirm.
Copy the link and paste it in your favorite browser.
- On successful confirmation, you can log in to quarantine console and manage multiple accounts.
Some points to be noted:
After you begin managing an account, that managed account will be unable to log on to the End User Quarantine website and will not receive daily digest report on primary email account.
Remove the account from your managed accounts list to allow the account to log on again and receive daily email digest report.