


Preparation for Yahoo 

Before migrating the historical data from Yahoo, user's on your domain should generate password for IMAP access from LegacyFlo.  The program used by legacyflo is called imapsync and the steps to generate a password for use in imapsync is as given below:

  1. Login to the Yahoo mail account,
  2. Click on the account name or the avatar and select Account Info
  3. Click on Account security
  4. Turn on Two-step verification
  5. Click on Manage app passwords and generate a specific password for imapsync,
  6. Choose Other app at the bottom and type imapsync as this option is not in the predefined apps.
  7. Use this password with imapsync.

Source information (Yahoo)

User ID User id on Yahoo domain whose data needs to be imported
(Note: The id should not contain the domain name.)
Domain Source domain on Yahoo  ""
Password Password of the user on the Yahoo domain
Note: Passwords cannot contain special characters mentioned in the list given here. Update the password before submitting the request.
Server IP address or host name of the domain on Yahoo  ""

Port on the source server for connection

When syncing email data from a mailbox on Yahoo, All Mail folders and its contents will be synced. This ensures that all mail (except the ones moved to the Trash or Spam folders) from the account are synced without any duplicates.

Source Filter information

Since (YYYY-MM-DD)Start date from which to sync mail.
The mail transacted AFTER the start date and BEFORE the end date will be synced.
Before (YYYY-MM-DD)End date till which to sync mail.
The mail transacted AFTER the start date and BEFORE the end date will be synced.

Destination information (S3 Bucket)

S3 bucket name

The S3 bucket for the destination file. Select the S3 bucket name from the drop-down list.

The list will show 

  • S3 buckets in your AWS account registered with LegacyFlo
  • the bucket hosting your Vaultastic Open Store(mithi-ind1-vaultastic-legacystore).
S3 folder path

If the file has to be created on the Vaultastic Open Store, then this parameter will have the name of your Vaultastic domain. Example:

If the file is to be created on your own bucket, give the folder which will contain the file. Leave this value empty if the destination file has to be created on the root of the S3 bucket.

NOTE: S3 folder path should not start or end with a "/"

File name

The destination filename. The file that will contain the results of the LegacyFlo command

NOTE: Filenames should not start or end with a "/"

Want to submit multiple jobs using CSV?

To upload multiple jobs using a CSV, create a CSV file with a list of all the users and other details required to upload data.