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The re-engineered Vaultastic V4 platform delivers:
- Increased savings up to 47% with storage de-duplication and compression
- A jump in productivity by doubling the eDiscovery/search performance
- Easier access to the email archive with a simpler, sharper, intuitive UI
- Easier billing and purchase with simplified consumption-based plans.
In this webinar, we cover how Vaultastic can make data management easier for your organisation which includes,
- Key highlights of Vaultastic V4
- Storage management approaches
- Data migration from Vaultastic V3 - key points
- Differences between Vaultastic V3 and Vaultastic V4.
- Next steps, schedules, your role in the migration.
- Q&A
About Vaultastic
Vaultastic, a data protection and management platform on the cloud is built on AWS and offered as a SaaS. Vaultastic ensures data availability with email data preservation, legacy email data management, recovery tools, compliance readiness, advanced eDiscovery & information governance tools. The solution can archive mail seamlessly from GSuite, Office 365, Zimbra, Microsoft Exchange, IBM Notes (Lotus Notes), cPanel, MailEnable, Postmaster, and other email solutions. Vaultastic is secured at multiple layers, compliant to security guidelines of industry authorities, and served from the local region of the AWS cloud, ensuring adherence to the data residency requirement.
About the Speaker
Aditi is one of the co-founders at Mithi. She has been leading product development for almost 15 years and with an overall experience of nearly 3 decades working with technology, creating widely used products and managing operations. Aditi is the most sought after person for technical advice. She regularly contributes to Mithi's technology blog.