
NOT USED Search through the quarantine

  1. Login to the console

  2. Select the Query option from the Quarantine menu.

  3. . In the Criteria dialog box on the left, specify the date range within which to search.  Note that though the system maintains the quarantine for last 30 days, you can search through only a weeks data at a time.

  4. Select the Direction of traffic from Incoming and Outgoing

  5. To narrow down you search, specify the Sender and/or the Recipient. To search for all users of a domain, you can use wild cards. For example, specifying * will search for all the ids in the domain.

  6. You can further narrow your search by specifying the Subject.

  7. Click Search.

  8. The search results will be shown in the right pane.

  9. Select one or more mail from the list and click on Delete on the top left corner of the list view to permanently delete the mail. Click on Deliver to release the mail from the Quarantine. 

  10. Note: Mail released from the quarantine using this method will be further processed by the system and mail land up in the quarantine again if it violates another downstream rule.