
Integration with Freshdesk


Overview and Workflow
Overview Organizations use a Freshdesk to communicate with the customers to answer their queries or solve their problems. The help-desk is manned by people who are trained on the working of the products and system within the organization ...
Getting started with Ideolve integration
Step 1: Sign up on Ideolve Sign up for Ideolve  using email id on your official domain. This email id is the primary contact for your organization and will be required in further steps. Login with helpdesk@ Login to Ideo...
Maintenance of the connector
As the team composition of the agents and experts changes, Freshdesk and Ideolve configurations have to be updated as mentioned in the sections below. Adding a new Freshdesk agent Add the new agent on Freshdesk Lo...
Freshdesk Webhook configurations
Add a rule to create a note on Ideolve when a new ticket is created. Log in to Freshdesk Navigate to the Admin interface Under Helpdesk Productivity, select Automations Under Ticket Creation, ad...