
Get Started

Get Started with your ClrStream deployment


ClrStream comes in two plans. ClrStream Basic and ClrStream Continuity. ClrStream Basic provides Inbound and Outbound protection for your mailing domain using the Secure Mail flow system. ClrStream Continuity provides I...
Step 1: ClrStream domain provisioning
Request for the domain to be provisioned To provision your domain raise a ticket to the Mithi Support team  with the Subject as "Request for provisioning a ClrStream domain". The following information is required to provision the domain...
Step 2: Provision users, aliases and dirtibution lists (for ClrStream Continuity)
Login to the Admin Panel Every domain has a default admin account. The email id of this account will be postmaster@ . The credentials for this account will be sent to you via email on the registered email id for your organization. Use these crede...
Step 3: Go Live
Preparation 1. Identify your domain host,  verify the login credentials and get familiar with the console  2. Make the list of changes to be made to the DNS during switch over or go live During the switch over or Go l...