This application allows you to view information about the Saas services (SkyConnect, Vaultastic, LegacyFlo) you have subscribed to from Mithi's cloud platform.
Access the Subscriptions and license app
- Login to the Mithi Customer Account using the id of a Contact with any role.
- From the options on the Application switch, click on My Subscriptions & License. Application to view your subscriptions & license details will be displayed.
View your Subscriptions & License details
- The successful login to the Mithi customer account > My Subscriptions & License app will show the services you have subscribed to in a tabular format.
- My Subscription table will show the following details for each service
- Service
- Purchased quantities
- Payment agreement
- Subscription valid till Status
- PO number
- My License table will show the
- Service you have subscribed to
- License validity date
- Status of the service