
Provision users and update user properties one at a time

Understanding Class of Service or COS

Every user has a Class of Service or COS attached to it. This class of service determines the behavior of the system for the user. 

ClrStream Class of Services


A user with the clrstreamusercos class of service is a user who has access to all the secondary mailbox.

This is the class of service to be used when adding users to your domain after the domain is live on ClrStream.


A user with clrstreamadmincos class of service has admin privileges and will have access to the Admin Panel in addition to all the secondary mailbox.

This class of service should be used when adding an admin user after the domain is live on ClrStream.

catchall_cosThis is a system value and should not be used.
system_default_usersThis is a system value and should not be used.

Add Users one at a time

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel. From the left pane, select the domain from the list of domains. Click the Users option. The middle pane will show the list of users in the domain.

  2. From the middle pane, click the Add User icon.

  3. On the Add users window, provide the User NameUser Password, and Class of Service/COS. Click the + sign to enter the record. Repeat the steps to add more users.

  4. Continue to validate the input and add the users.

  5. For a newly added user, set the following properties with the steps mentioned in the section Update User's properties.

    1. First name & last name: These are used to automatically generate the display name for the user.

    2. Alternate Email id or Company mobile number: Either of these properties is required for the Forgot Pass application to work.

    3. Alias IDs: Add the alias ids of the user.

Update User’s properties

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel. From the left pane, select the domain from the list of domains. Click the Users option.

  2. The middle pane will show the list of users in the domain.  To search for a user, enter the user id in the Quick search box on the top of the middle pane and click on the Search icon.

  3. The search results are shown in the list. Click on the user to show the user properties in the right pane.

  4. The right pane organizes all user properties in different sections such as Account Information, Password, Archive, etc.

  5. Click on a section to expand and show all the properties in the section.

  6. Update the required property

  7. Click on Save in the bottom right corner.