
Vaultastic Ver

21st December 2021

Revision information

Vaultastic V4, version

New Features

Tighter Security with Granular ediscovery controls 

Earlier versions of Vaultastic provided limited and combined controls over access to the mailing and download capabilities of the eDiscovery application. 

Vaultastic 4.5.1 has made these options granular to give you more control over access to the ediscovery application. 

You now have individual security controls for Reply, Forward, Restore, Download, Export and Upload to Ideolve features

Security settings in Vaultastic

These granular security controls give you greater flexibility when assigning role-based access to the ediscovery application - self-service or complete (auditor) access.

eDiscovery options in Vaultastic

Some of the prevalent use of these controls are listed below:

  • Self Service: When end-users are given self-service access into Vaultastic to search for their older mail, you can only allow "view and restore" rights or "view, restore and download" rights.
  • Team supervision: Managers often need to oversee the team's communication and share knowledge with other team members. You can give managers full access to a limited set of vaults with "forwarding" rights and "Upload to Ideolve" rights to help them share and collaborate on the search results.
  • Audits: Auditors typically have access to the vaults of all or selected sets of users. You can give auditors the "Upload to Ideolve" rights to help them share and collaborate on the search results.